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Cutting-edge Ion Medical TechnologyAccurate Control SystemErgonomics Design
Short-term High-Tech products incubated during the long-term development of proton therapy systems
Patient Positioning System for Radiotherapy
The patient positioning system for radiotherapy comprises a six-degree-of-freedom flexible robotic arm, a carbon fiber plate and a control system. It is the core component of radiation therapy systems, serving as an essential treatment platform for patients. Its primary function is to accurately position patients for treatment and, throughout the treatment process, assist patients in maintaining a fixed treatment posture to precisely align the irradiation field with the targeted lesion area, which facilitates the precise execution of the intra-target irradiation plan, effectively targeting and destroying tumors.
  • User Friendliness
  • Strong load-bearing capacity
  • High Accuracy Positioning
  • Bionic Morphology Design
  • Superior Safety
ST-P101 Plasma Skin Treatment Device
The Skin Treatment-Plasma103 generates plasma by ionizing nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases through high-voltage electrodes. The active “micro-ion clusters” produced can deactivate disease-causing microorganisms, promote cell proliferation, and accelerate coagulation, consequently treating skin diseases caused by fungi and chronic wounds. Compared to traditional medical methods, plasma treatment not only avoids the side effects of medications on the human body but also exhibits higher cure rates and superior effectiveness.
  • Plasma technology
  • Non-inert gas supply source
  • Multi-shaped detachable therapeutic head
  • Ergonomic design (comfortable to hold, easy to operate)
  • Double suspended excitation source
  • Plasma control system
  • Modern-tech-inspired outlook design
  • Integrated and mobile body structure
7 T Cryogen-free Superconducting Magnet for Gyrotron

A gyrotron is a vacuum tube that generates high-power electromagnetic waves to heat plasma in a fusion device. Gyrotron superconducting magnets provide the required magnetic field for the gyrotron to constrain electron motion. This 170 GHz superconducting magnet system for the gyrotron uses conduction cooling, using only a GM Cryo-cooler as the cooling source, and can cooldown the magnet from room temperature to 3.6 K in 64 hours, with the highest magnetic field of the coil of nearly 9 T and the center field of up to 7.28 T. The room-temperature aperture diameter of 165 mm, and the deviation of the magnetic field axis from the geometric axis of the magnet is less than 0.08 mm, and it can provide the electron-constrained magnetic field for 170 GHz gyrotron.

  • User Friendliness
  • High security
  • Low running cost
  • Stable magnetic field
  • Compatible to multiple systems
Height of Croystat395 mmSize1241.8 mm*650 mm*395 mm
Bore Tube Diameter165 mmBz at Bore Tube7.2 T
Magnetic Field Accuracy>99.0% @Axial±440 mmTime about cooldown from RT to 4K< 65h
Patient Positioning System for Radiotherapy Plasma Skin Treatment Device 7 T Cryogen-free Superconducting Magnet for Gyrotron
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