
14MeV Cyclotron Developed by HFCIM Passes On-site Expert Testing and Indicator Verification

2022-07-09 01:37:29

On July 9th, experts from Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Soochow University, Anhui University, and Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, among other institutions, conducted a technical review and on-site beam tuning test for the 14MeV cyclotron,a research outcome under the China-Russia Superconducting Proton "Belt and Road" Joint Laboratory and National Key Research and Development Program.


The HFCIM team presented the entire research and development process of the cyclotron, along with the achieved results. Under the witness of the expert group, various performance tests of the 14 MeV cyclotron were conducted. According to on-site testing, the cyclotron achieved a beam current of 92μA, an energy of 14.1MeV, and an overall beam transmission efficiency of 82%. The expert group unanimously agreed that the 14MeV cyclotron has met and exceeded the design specifications. HFCIM Team independently develops the cyclotron, which features small size, light weight, low energy consumption, and high precision. This accomplishment provides a new domestic option to produce radioactive isotopes.

Radioactive isotopes are widely used in the fields of biology and medicine, particularly in the early diagnosis and treatment of tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and other medical conditions. Their application in PET/CT imaging agents has propelled medical imaging technology to a new level. The production of medical radioactive isotopes using small cyclotrons is characterized by low cost, high safety, and minimal nuclear waste, enabling regional centralized isotope supply.

In 2021, the eight ministries of China jointly released the "Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Medical Isotopes (2021-2035)," indicating that the actual demand for medical isotopes in China is expected an explosive growth. The plan calls for the active promotion of the application, demonstration, and popularization of domestically developed small-scale cyclotrons to meet the increasing demand for medical isotopes and achieve self-sufficiency.

Since its establishment, HFCIM has benefited from strong leadership from the municipal party committee and government, as well as strong support from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Leveraging the innovation platform of the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, HFCIM has transformed technological achievements from international large scientific projects such as ITER and EAST. HFCIM has undertaken independent research and development of Hefei superconducting cyclotron proton therapy system, driving the industrialization of high-end proton medical equipment and achieving significant results.

The Hefei superconducting cyclotron proton therapy system has successfully achieved stable proton beam extraction from the treatment rooms. It is now in the process of being relocated to the validation site to formally commence the registration testing and clinical trials required for National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) approval. Additionally, HCIM capitalizes on the aggregation of key industrial projects, actively responds to the "laying eggs along the way" policy, concentrates advantageous resources, conducts research on cyclotrons of different energy, and promotes the application of cyclotrons in various fields such as tumor proton therapy, space irradiation research, innovative agricultural breeding, and isotope drug development.

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